Alkaline Wash by Danne is an alkaline solution used on the hair, generally done in a series of treatments to dissolve the hair progessively over time. this unique service is offered by Tazeem Jamal PMDT. The Alkaline Wash treatment is virtually painless and perfect for that annoying peach fuzz on the face. It is a great alternative to laser! It can be effective to greatly reduce the darkness and coarseness of hair anywhere else on the body. Check out our FAQ on our site here. Don't wait to "shed your winter hair" and book your consultation today!
Laser is a progressive and more permanent treatment by which the laser beam goes into the hair root and cauterizes the root not allowing new hair to grow. The existing hair will then naturally fall out. The technology is virtually painless and your skin colour is not an issue. We offer complimentary consultations to determine treatment areas and cost.
Waxing is not considered a permanent hair removal, but it is very effective in reducing the hair over time. The hair will become less dense and finer in texture. Our waxing experts have many bikini options like a standard bikini line, french bikini line, or full brazilian bikini.
Written by Paige Forgie