To begin we need to understand that the body is made up of many cells, that are made up of molecules, that are made up of atoms. Within these atoms are protons that lie within the nucleus of the atom and electrons that lie within the inner and outer shell. In a normal, stable atom the protons and electrons are of equal number. Atoms tend to look for this equilibrium by joining up with other atoms. However, when two weak atoms join and then split they can be left with an odd number of electrons making for a very unstable atom. The unstable atom then attacks the nearest stable atom and "steals" an electron leaving the previously stable on the hunt for another electron. This creates a change reaction that results in a disruption of the living cell. Note that sometimes the body creates free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria which is great, but when they get out of hand that's when they start damaging your body.
Free radicals cause cancer and heart disease and slowly destroy you from the inside out. The best way to combat them is by loading up on antioxidants. Plenty of foods contain antioxidants such as berries,broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, garlic, spinach, tea (both black and green work), carrots and soy.
However sometimes it can be hard to get all of these food into your diet. There are products on the market that tout incredible antioxidant abilities but many don't hold up to their claims.
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Written by Paige Forgie