Friday, March 18, 2011


    Over the next few weeks Skindulgence would like to tell you about Nu Skin, an innovative and exceptional enterprise that dedicates itself to health and wellness and anti-aging for over two decades. Throughout March Skindulgence will be giving you plenty of reasons to be just as excited as we are about Nu Skin. 
    One of many products we are excited about is called ageLOC Vitality ~ it is a supplement taken daily to effectively generate and utilize energy making you feel more youthful. We could all use some “pick-me-up” throughout the day, giving you that extra “boost” you need to stay active, alert and start your day! ageLOC Vitality focuses on three factors of vitality ~ mental sharpness, physical drive, and sexual health ~  and improves them. ageLOC Vitality achieves this by improving healthy YGC activity (Youth Gene Cluster), which is associated with mitochondrial aging, that slowly declines as we age. Through targeting the factors that cause us to lose vitality, ageLOC Vitality helps you to achieve the state of being strong and active with the power to live.
    If you would like to know more about ageLOC Vitality and/or any other products Nu Skin has to offer, call now and set up a FREE 15 minute consultation with our Spa Director, Tazeem Jamal, who is an Executive with Nu Skin, You can call us at 604-469-2688 or, facebook Tazeem to set up an over the phone consultation at your convenience.