Did you know that the area around the eyes is 10 times thinner than the skin on other parts of your body? Due to its thinness it can be very sensitive and prone to puffiness. Avoid at all costs face cream around the eyes; they will eventually irritate the eyes, create tiny whiteheads , make your eyes tear or create a superficial redness and can become itchy! So be gentle and baby your eyes, with lots of TLC, follow some of our suggestions for bright, healthy eyes.
1) Wear sunglasses when it's bright out to avoid squinting. In fact, avoid squinting at all costs, which may mean adjusting the prescription in your glasses, purchasing an anti-glare computer screen monitor and buying a wide-brimmed sun hat.
2) Be sure to drink plenty of water and cut back on the salt, alcohol and tobacco. All three increase water retention which means puffy under eyes, which means stretched out skin... Which will mean wrinkles, especially because the skin around the eyes is so thin and delicate.
3) Rather than applying sunscreen around your eyes, use a rich eye cream to nourish hydrate while minimizing fine lines. If you are sunning or swimming carefully apply a small amount of sunscreen on the outer edges of the eyes (but be careful as sunscreens can sting!)
4) Invest in a antiaging eye cream like GM Collin's Bota-Peptide Eye Contour Cream which will help wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness, or if you are the preventative stage try GM Collin's Eye Contour Corrector or their NEW Organic Eye cream
5) Be gentle on the skin around your eyes. Never rub your eyes with your hands or tug on the skin when applying make up.
6) A couple of quick home remedies that offer great releif to tired, puffy eyes are chilled cucumber slices or chamomile tea bags. Place them over your eyes for at least 10 minutes and you'll notice instant reduction in bags and dullness. No one will know you've been partying till dawn!
written by Paige Forgie