We are closed today but will reopen Saturday and then we are closed again on Sunday. After that we return to our regular store hours.
We hope that you have all made your New Year Resolutions. We have come up with some ways to help you stick to your goals:
1) Tell someone. By sharing your goals with another person it makes you accountable. Choose someone particularly naggy or irritating. You'll want to achieve your goal just so that they'll stop bugging you about it!
2) Write them down and put them somewhere you'll see them daily. Tape them to your bathroom mirror, dashboard of your car or next to your keyboard.
3) Make a variety of goals. Set goals both short and long term so that you'll experience the "instant gratification" that comes with repainting the kitchen but also have a "work in progress" such as going to the gym more frequently. Make your goals somewhat realistic so you don't feel disappointed when they become impossible but don't underestimate your abilities either.
4) Be sure to include trying something new. It doesn't necessarily have to be something scary like bungee jumping, but perhaps you've always admired belly dancing or the crocheted hats your grandmother used to make. Try taking a class at your local rec center or picking up a How-To book. Not only will you learn how to do something new but you might meet some great people while you're at it.
We hope that you are able to achieve all your hopes, wishes and dreams!
Written by Paige Forgie