If you've strayed from the vegetables, the gym, the meditation and the explorations it is time to get back on track! You can check out our Tips to Keeping your Resolutions post here to refresh your memory.
My goals were to hit the gym and to stop procrastinating. Admittedly, it took awhile for me to get back into my Lululemons but I took my own advice and signed up for some step classes as well as cardio kickboxing. My body is constantly sore, but in a good way. I've already lost four pounds and gained noticeable muscle definition. Procrastinating, on the other hand, is still a work in progress. I bought myself a day planner and have my entire work, school and social life planned out and that has kept me from waking up realizing that I forgot to write a 12 page essay. Sure, now I'm writing papers at one in the morning, but at least they're getting completed beforehand, right? It's all about baby steps!
At Skindulgence we believe in perseverance. Maybe you slacked on your work out or have been overworking yourself. Don't get down, just remotivate yourself and get back on track.
Written by Paige Forgie