Friday, April 30, 2010
What is Hot Stone Massage?
This is a massage that not only feels amazing but also disintegrates muscle knots. It boosts circulation, recharges energy and, most importantly, relaxes you! It is said to help people with muscular pain, poor circulation, rheumatic and arthritic conditions, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, stress, insomnia and depression.
Note: Let your esthetician know prior to treatment if you have any medical conditions or if you are/think you are pregnant so that the treatment can be tailored to fit your needs.
Like a regular massage, a hot stone treatment goes hand-in-hand with the Aroma-Steam shower to completely ease you into your spa experience.
45 minutes ~ $98
1 hour ~ $125
1 hour 30 minutes ~ $146
You can also add on hot stone treatments for hands and feet when getting a manicure or pedicure!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bikini Season

Things to remember about waxing:
1) Always notify your esthetician if you're on medication. Some drugs make the skin extra sensitive and delicate which is not ideal for waxing which pulls on the skin.
2) Do not use tanning beds 24 hours before or after getting a waxing because your skin is more vulnerable to rays.
3) Exfoliate 2-3 days before waxing. Exfoliating on the same day as waxing increases your likelihood of getting a skin irritation. Wait another 2 days or until your skin calms down to restart exfoliating. Exfoliating will ensure that you do not get ingrown hairs.
4) Do not apply any heavily perfumed lotions to your skin because your pores are open and are more likely to get irritated by the chemicals. Instead, apply tea tree lotion (which we sell!) which is antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial.
Written by Paige Forgie
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Look Magazine Spring 2010 Edition
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Facebook Fan Page!
We hope you become a fan and get connected with us!
Friday, April 16, 2010
DO's and DON'Ts of Great Skin
1. DO exfoliate at least twice a week. Be careful with granular scrubs (even for oily skin) because they are usually to aggressive and don’t really have any healing properties… You might as well be rubbing sand on your face!
2. Do use an eye cream every day. Any women over 25 should be using at least a basic eye product. Remember that the skin around your eyes is the most delicate on the entire face, and therefore most prone to saggy, wrinkles and puffiness. Be gentle when applying anything to that area to help the skin maintain it’s elasticity as it ages.
3. DO get your antioxidants. In addition to topical products that are infused with antioxidants, try ingesting high doses of them as well. Not only will it help fight free radicals and slow down the aging process but help keep the body fit, healthy and resilient. Can’t seem to get enough antioxidants through food alone? Why not try GliSODin Skin Nutrients for a super-charged boost that will leave your skin glowing and firm.
4. DON’T smoke. This terrible “social” habit is terrible for your skin. Second to sun exposure, smoking is the most damaging thing you can do to your skin. Smoking restricts flow of oxygen which gives the skin a sallow, dull tinge. It also causes major wrinkles, especially around the mouth.
5. DON’T leave without sunscreen! Even on overcast days it is important to use SPF 15. Even indoors, office lighting can create free radical damage. You don’t have to slap on the thick greasy paste that the words ‘sunscreen” bring to mind. Instead, try using a moisturizer with SPF. Better yet, why not try mineral make up? It also contains SPF of 15 or higher, while giving you a glowing, even complexion.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Five Easy Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process
2.Eat Less Sugar ~ This can be difficult to do, especially when you find yourself drowning in Easter chocolate from a few weeks ago. If you get the sugar craving, opt for dark chocolate or fruit (like tasty mango or strawberries!) which have naturally occurring sugars. These are much better than the sweeteners and preservative cookies and candy contain which give you a short energy burst and then a terrible crash and burn. Sugar also suppresses white blood cell activity, meaning your immune system is going to be compromised.
3.Feel the Love ~ Love thyself, love thy neighbour. People who love themselves and surround themselves with great people are known to be happier than people who have low self esteem or have bad influences in their lives. This happiness translates to a more active, healthier life!
4.Say Bye Bye to Booze ~ As much as a glass of red wine has been said to be good for the heart, alcohol in excess can do a lot of long term damage. It dehydrates your body, puts stress on your liver, increases the risk of heart disease, increases blood pleasure and facilitates rapid aging of the skin (not to mention dilated blood vessels on the face and chest).
5.Exhale ~ Learn to relax! It sounds obvious but training your brain to hear yourself breathe can actually reduce elevated blood pressure and can prevent deep frown lines or wrinkles. By taking a minute or two here and there to just focus on your breathing you will relax and be able to continue on with your busy day with a sense of calm.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Protect Your Skin!

-GM Collin's Mineral Sun Veil in SPF 15 comes in clear or bronze tinted. Formulated with Zinc Oxide and natural antioxidants to help combat wrinkles.
-Yonka's After Sun Lotion Tan Prolonger for face and body leaves your skin soft and hydrated while offering it a delicate iridescent glow. It also protects against sun-related oxidative stress!
- Yonka's After Sun Milk helps maintain the hydration of the superficial layers of the skin.
Of course, frequently reapply a strong sunscreen and wear a hat! Always protect the skin on your face since you can easily buy a foundation or tinted moisturizer that can make your face skin match your body.
Written by Paige Forgie
Monday, April 12, 2010
Self Tanning Tips

1)Exfoliate! The number one reason self-tanners go on even is because the skin surface is rough and bumpy. Slough off all your dead skin cells prior to tanning and you'll be astounded by the results.
2) Wax or Shave! Remove hair a day or two prior to application. Shaving your legs post-tanner will remove some of the skin cells and leave your skin an uneven color. (We totally recommend waxing in the summer, who wants stubbly legs at the beach?!)
3) Give yourself enough time. While applying tanner shouldn't be an all day event, slapping some on before running out the door isn't your best bet either. Most products recommend allowing some time (usually 20-30 minutes) before putting on clothing. You also want to give yourself enough time to properly rub in the lotion or else you run the risk of missing spots!
4) When applying start at your feet and work your way up. Apply in circular motions to avoid up-and-down (or side to side!) zebra stripes. Be stingy when it comes to heels, toes, knees or other areas that tend to be a little bit drier because the tanner can absorb into those areas more and turn out a slightly darker color.
5) After applying tanner from foot to knee on one leg, do the other. Then go back to the first leg and rub it in again. This method will ensure even coverage.
6) Get someone to help you with your back if you can't reach it yourself.
7) Areas that have skin folds (under the breasts, underarms, elbows or back of knees) should get rubbed in extra-carefully. While you give your tanner a few minutes to dry make sure that it hasn't collected in any folds (dab with a paper towel if it has or blend it in).
These tips will ensure that you get your most even coverage for a natural looking tan!
Written by Paige Forgie
Friday, April 9, 2010
Self Tanners
What's hot now is beautifully glowing skin that you get from a bottle! Many people have been scarred by the sunless tanners from the days of Yore that were streaky, orange and smelly. But these products have come a long way and now you can get that gorgeous bronze skin without roasting under the sun.
We recommend GM Collin's Self Tanning Skincare. Just apply twice daily for two days to see a natural golden tan appear. After that, vary the number of applications to achieve the perfect level of tan for your skin.
For a more instant tan, Yonka's Auto-Bronzant is ideal. A perfectly even tan will appear in just 3-4 hours!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spring Nails

~ Verano - A client favourite. It's an opaque, deep purple-based pink that looks flattering on all skin tones.
~Princess Grace - This pearlescent baby pink is delicate and understated with a barely-there lilac base. A perfect accompaniment to a bolder outfit. It looks fabulous on fairer skin so if you're still rocking pale winter tones then this color is for you!
~Pink-Rox-E - Nothing says Spring fun like orange-based pinks tinged with gold. This jazzy hue will look great on darker skin.
For the month of April China Glaze Nail Polishes are on promotion! 10% for one, 20% for two!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tips to Every Day Calm
Meditation is an easy way to reach a place of tranquility and relaxation -- Even if it is only for a couple of minutes!
The best time to meditate is before you have breakfast and just before you go to bed. I especially recommend meditating in the morning because it is a good way to reach a place of focus and concentration. Talk about getting out of the right side of the bed!
Try sitting cross-legged on a cushion, kneeling or sitting in a chair. Straighten your back and open the chest by pushing the shoulders back. Breathe deeply. Don't shut your eyes entirely but keep just a small sliver of light.
While some people recommend trying to focus on "nothing" most people find this a very difficult task which can become frustrating! Instead I prefer to focus on one particular thing. A few popular things to meditate on include:
~ Your breathing. Take long, smooth breathes from the diaphragm.
~ Numbers. Count to a certain number over and over again.
~ Life goals. Nothing too stressful. I like to think about what healthy habits I'd like to incorporate into my life (like more meditation!)
~ Favourite animal or object.
~ Colors.
You can meditate for two minutes or two hours, it all depends on your ability to sit still, concentrate and the time you have available! It gets easier with practice and it is a wonderful way to take a break from the stressors of life.
Written by Paige Forgie
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Bridal Coutdown
3 months: Start an intensive facial program at this point so we have time to address concerns properly.
1 month: Have your makeup trial application done by the artists at Skindulgence with our "Wedding Bliss" Package (Includes trail application, wedding day makeup & FREE lip colour of your choice to take home)
10 days: Have a good hydrating, anti-aging clinical treatment (probably the last you will have before the big day!)
5 days: Get any waxing you might need done (no closer then 3 days before photo day)
2-3 days:Have a luxurious Body Exfoliating Treatment and a relaxing massage (Maybe even escape with your sweetheart to have a couples massage!)
1-2 days:Finish off with a Manicure and Pedicure. Nothing like a beautiful manicure to show off your BLING!
The big day:Have your pre-tested makeup application from our "Wedding Bliss" package (off site wedding services available) and know your putting your best face forward into your new life with the ever helpful advice from Team Skindulgence! Congratulations!