2.Eat Less Sugar ~ This can be difficult to do, especially when you find yourself drowning in Easter chocolate from a few weeks ago. If you get the sugar craving, opt for dark chocolate or fruit (like tasty mango or strawberries!) which have naturally occurring sugars. These are much better than the sweeteners and preservative cookies and candy contain which give you a short energy burst and then a terrible crash and burn. Sugar also suppresses white blood cell activity, meaning your immune system is going to be compromised.
3.Feel the Love ~ Love thyself, love thy neighbour. People who love themselves and surround themselves with great people are known to be happier than people who have low self esteem or have bad influences in their lives. This happiness translates to a more active, healthier life!
4.Say Bye Bye to Booze ~ As much as a glass of red wine has been said to be good for the heart, alcohol in excess can do a lot of long term damage. It dehydrates your body, puts stress on your liver, increases the risk of heart disease, increases blood pleasure and facilitates rapid aging of the skin (not to mention dilated blood vessels on the face and chest).
5.Exhale ~ Learn to relax! It sounds obvious but training your brain to hear yourself breathe can actually reduce elevated blood pressure and can prevent deep frown lines or wrinkles. By taking a minute or two here and there to just focus on your breathing you will relax and be able to continue on with your busy day with a sense of calm.