Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tips to Every Day Calm

The hectic hustle and bustle of everyday life can take it's toll on the most organized person. Sometimes we need to just take a step back from our planners, day times, meeting and schedules to center ourselves.

Meditation is an easy way to reach a place of tranquility and relaxation -- Even if it is only for a couple of minutes!

The best time to meditate is before you have breakfast and just before you go to bed. I especially recommend meditating in the morning because it is a good way to reach a place of focus and concentration. Talk about getting out of the right side of the bed!

Try sitting cross-legged on a cushion, kneeling or sitting in a chair. Straighten your back and open the chest by pushing the shoulders back. Breathe deeply. Don't shut your eyes entirely but keep just a small sliver of light.

While some people recommend trying to focus on "nothing" most people find this a very difficult task which can become frustrating! Instead I prefer to focus on one particular thing. A few popular things to meditate on include:

~ Your breathing. Take long, smooth breathes from the diaphragm.
~ Numbers. Count to a certain number over and over again.
~ Life goals. Nothing too stressful. I like to think about what healthy habits I'd like to incorporate into my life (like more meditation!)
~ Favourite animal or object.
~ Colors.

You can meditate for two minutes or two hours, it all depends on your ability to sit still, concentrate and the time you have available! It gets easier with practice and it is a wonderful way to take a break from the stressors of life.

Written by Paige Forgie