The Spa Divas have all started taking the GliSODin Advanced Detox Formula but started on different days. Here is their progress so far:
Paige (Day 1): I took my first packet of GliSODin this morning at around 9:00 after eating a tiny bowl of cereal. I know I wasn't supposed to eat before I had the drink but I was so hungry I completely forgot. The drink in itself wasn't the best tasting thing I've ever had and the smell left something to be desired. I would have preferred it to be in a pill form like the other GliSODin formulas. It is now 1:30pm and I usually start to crash around this time but I have way more energy than normal and was even dancing around in the kitchen. I will not be following the nutrition directions to the T, since it is Christmas time after all but I'll do my best to cut out white sugar and white flower and up my daily fruit/veg intake.
Ayeshe (Day 5): Even after five days I still am not used to the taste but luckily it doesn't last long. I have followed the nutrition suggestions very closely, as well as continuing near daily exercise and I have lost around 3 lbs!
Heather (Day 5): I don't mind the taste, I like that it's not sweetened with anything but natural flavours. I have done many cleanses this year so I didn't think I'd have a lot of toxins to remove. I was a bit sluggish the first couple of days but now I can really feel the energy hit me. I've also noticed that I have been sweating a little bit more which is my body ridding itself of toxins.