Just as you might schedule out errands and chores to be completed, try writing out things you can incorporate into your day to keep you working at an optimal level. Try scheduling in a healthy lunch or snack, like a quick salad or vegetarian sandwich. By making a conscious decision to eat well (especially in the middle of the day when so many people neglect to find proper food) you'll be less likely to reach for that bag of chips. Write down your bed time and stick to it. This might seem juvenile but sometimes it can be hard to know when to put your work down and catch up on some Zzzz's.
Speaking of sleep, make your bed a haven. Invest in sheets and pillows that are irresistible to you. Keep all laptops and work related papers far away. Your bed should be a place of rest, not your office desk. Additionally, avoid dramatic or thrilling books near the bed, it is easy to get sucked in and end up staying awake hours after you planned to. My secret is keeping an old college textbook next to my bed -- one page in and my eyes are instantly droopy!
Written by Paige Forgie