1. Gotta have that H2O! Water helps to flush your system and keep everything flowing as it should be. Optimal water consumption should be around 6-8 glasses of water per day.
2. You are what you eat. Stay away from processed foods, sugars/sweeteners, caffeine, dairy, gluten, soy, animal products and alcohol. Instead, load up on fresh fruits, veggies, raw nuts and whole grains. There are also herbs like nettle, burdock, milk thistle and dandelion that naturally boost liver kidney and skin detoxification.
3. Get plenty of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radical damage by removing them from your body. This is easy with so many tasty antioxidant-rich foods like: nuts, beans and brightly coloured fruits and veggies. Amplify your antioxidant intake with GliSODin Skin Nutrients Advanced Detoxification Formula. This twice daily formula is full of amazing antioxidants including SOD which is part of our primary antioxidant system and is not absorbed after attacking only one free radical like the superfruit antioxidants. Learn more at http://www.glisodinskin.com/ or try it today for only $129!
4. Get your circulation in action! Good circulation makes it easy for your body to eliminate wastes and brings fresh nutrients to your all organs, including the skin. Dry brush massaging is a good way to promote circulation and keep the skin gateways open for toxin elimination. Hot Yoga is a good way to de-stress, purge toxins while you sweat and improve your circulation all in a fun and healthy exercise. Saunas and steam rooms are good for sweating out toxins and following up with a cold shower is sure to get your blood flowing again.